How to Change to a 5 Step Approach in Bowling

This tip is on how to change from a 4 to a 5 step approach in bowling.

This is really a more advanced bowing technique that is used by some as they progress in the game.It is not really necessary to change to a 5 step approach but some find that they may get a better rhythm and more power with a longer approach.
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How to change to a 5 step approach in bowling.
After you have learned the 4 step approach you may feel the need to move up to a 5 step approach like explained before. It is not necessary if you feel fine with doing the basic 4 step delivery.

Now a 4 step delivery goes for a right handed bowler.

1. Right foot, left foot, right foot, and slide on the left.

2. Your foot work and arm swing go in sequence with each other.

3. Hold your bowling ball at hip level to start at the first set of dots on the approach.

4. First step you push the ball out a little.

5. The second step the ball falls.

6. The third step the ball falls in a pendulum swing.

7. The fourth step you slide and roll the ball forward down the lane and to the pins.

Now the 5 step approach is basically the same but there are some small differences.

1. You start on the left foot and not the right.

2. The first step is really just a small half step or a shuffle.

3. The ball stays stationary in the first half step and does not move until the second step.

Now the 5 step approach for a right handed bowler.

1. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, and slide on the left.

2. Your first step is a small shuffle step and the ball stays in place.

3. Then your foot work and arm swing go in sequence with each other just like the 4 step delivery.

4. Second step you push the ball out a little.

5. The third step the ball falls.

6. The fourth step the ball falls in a pendulum swing.

7. The fifth step you slide and roll the ball forward down the lane and to the pins.

You will stand back about a half step on the approach as compared to the 4 step delivery so you will need to allow for that.

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In conclusion

A 5 step approach in bowling is just and extension of the 4 step.

It is a more advanced method that is chosen by some bowlers to get better rhythm, power and balance.

It is not necessary to advance to this approach if you are doing well with the 4 step.

bowling tips, bowling techniques

Bowling Tips

How to Change the 5 Step Approach in Bowling

A Firm Approach an Important Key to a Higher Bowling Score

How To Stop Falling Off Your Shot In Bowling

First, Thank You for your interest in bowling. Here are some tips on bowling for having a firm or a solid approach and how to stop falling off your shot in bowling

What I mean by a firm or solid approach is at the end of your delivery your feet are solid at the line. You do not lose your balance and do what is called falling off your shot. In this position you are in what I call your hood ornament pose. I call it that because you are like a hood ornament at the end of your approach. Newer techniques they like it if you have your opposite leg behind and off to the left of your slide foot for a right handed bowler (Note: everything is reversed if you are left handed).

How to tell if you are falling off your shot

Well it is really kind of easy to tell if you are falling off your shot because your right leg will fall off to the right at the end of your approach. (Note: reversed for left handed bowlers).

How to stop falling off your shot

Well first thing is knowning that you are doing it and being aware that it is throwing your balance off is your first step to solving this problem. I feel usually the reason bowlers are not firm at the point of delivery is because they are not in the right spot at the beginning of their approach. This is because most bowlers try to take to big of steps and stand back to far on the approach. They need to go back to the basics and learn where their starting spot is. You can learn this and more by getting Insider Bowling Tips a free bowling techniques newsletter. In the first few articles it explains the bowling basics. Now to stop falling off your shot just make sure your opposite leg is behind and off to the left of your slide foot at the end of your delivery, now this is for a right handed bowler. Reverse everything for left handers. In addition, learn how to get a smooth approach is another key to stop falling off your shot in bowling

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Bowling Tips and Techniques

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The Basic 4 Step Approach in Bowling

Here is a tip for those that are new to the sport of bowling and is one of the first things you should learn. This is the 4 step approach, it can be hard for some or awkward, but with a little practice can come rather quickly. In addition, the four step approach is usually recommend for those that want to know how many steps they should take in bowling.

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First, the examples below are for right handed bowlers, everything is reversed for the left handers. Remember the foot work goes right, left, right, slide on the left foot. Your foot work and arm swing go in sequence with each other. Start by standing at about the first set of dots on the approach and holding your bowling ball at hip level and to the side. On the first step push the ball out a little, the second step the ball falls, the third step the ball falls in a pendulum swing toward your back (kind of like a ball hanging on a string), the fourth step you slide and roll the ball forward down the lane and toward the pins. Note: this is all done in one smooth motion.

This motion should not be choppy and should fluent with rhythm, like a small dance in a way.

Now Once Again Outlined

1. Remember right, left, right, slide on the left.
2. Your foot work and arm swing go in sequence with each other.
3. Hold your bowling ball at hip level to start at the first set of dots on the approach.
4. First step you push the ball out a little.
5. The second step the ball falls.
6. The third step the ball falls in a pendulum swing.
7. The fourth step you slide and roll the ball forward down the lane and to the pins.
8. Practice and Have fun:)

Well this is a basic example of the four step approach in bowling.

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Bowling Tips and Techniques

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