How to Break In Your New Bowling Shoes

This is an article on some ideas for you to try to speed up the process of breaking in a new pair of bowling shoes.

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I was recently asked by a fellow if there was a way to help him slide with his new bowling shoes.
I found this odd because he had bought the raised heel type which normally does not have the same problem as the flatter style. This is due to less drag area on the bottom of the shoe.

I thought others may have a similar problem, so I decided to write an article to give you some advice or something to try.

There is a break-in period which will resolve the issue with time, or you can speed this up by doing the following.

Wear them around your house for a week or so. Do this for about 10 minutes a day.
Make sure your floor at home is dry and take care not to get anything sticky on them. Do not wear them outside.

You want to get the bottom of the shoe so that it has a slight darker color to it. This is like a barrier between the bowling approach and the bottom of the shoe. The fresh rubber on the heal will really grab and be tacky so you want to create this barrier. In addition, the leather on new shoes is sometime rough so you need to smooth this out. Wearing them more than one or two times a week will speed this up.

Also, the heat from your feet will help loosen up the leather or vinyl and give you a better over all fit.
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In conclusion
Breaking in new bowling shoes is basically just a time thing…
You can speed this up by wearing them more…
Just simply wear them at home for whatever time it takes to break your new shoes in.

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How to Break In New Bowling Shoes

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